Registration Number: | KR5001-10 |
Registry: | NAAR |
Call Name: | Jane |
Registrated Name: | Vallecito's Calamity Jane |
Titles: | |
Breeder: | DireWolf Dogs of Vallecito |
Breed: | American Alsatian |
Filial Number: | F5 |
Birth Date: | March 2, 2021 |
Sex: | Female |
Collar Color: | Red |
Sire: | Kodiak |
Dam: | Razar |
Litter: | Frontiersmen Litter |
DNA Record: |
Call Name | Registered Name | Registration # | Birth Date | Sex | Sire | Dam | Breed | Filial # |
Call Name | Registered Name | Registration # | Birth Date | Sex | Sire | Dam | Breed | Filial # | |
View | Alamo | Vallecito's Fannie Quigley | KR5001-5 | 2021-Mar-02 | Female | Kodiak | Razar | American Alsatian | F5 |
View | Annie | Vallecito's Annie | None | 2021-Mar-02 | Female | Kodiak | Razar | American Alsatian | None |
View | Beren | Vallecito's Buffalo Bill | KR5001-6 | 2021-Mar-02 | Male | Kodiak | Razar | American Alsatian | F5 |
View | Eli | Vallecito's Jeremiah Johnson | KR5001-8 | 2021-Mar-02 | Male | Kodiak | Razar | American Alsatian | F5 |
View | Grizzly Adams | Vallecito's Grizzly Adams | KR5001-1 | 2021-Mar-02 | Male | Kodiak | Razar | American Alsatian | F5 |
View | Lincoln | Vallecito's Klondike Gold | KR5001-4 | 2021-Mar-02 | Male | Kodiak | Razar | American Alsatian | F5 |
View | Mary | Vallecito's Stagecoach Mary | KR5001-3 | 2021-Mar-02 | Female | Kodiak | Razar | American Dirus | F5 |
View | Meriwether | Vallecito's Meriwether Lewis | KR5001-2 | 2021-Mar-02 | Female | Kodiak | Razar | American Dirus | F5 |
View | Santiago (Ridley) | Vallecito's Santiago | KR5001-9 | 2021-Mar-02 | Male | Kodiak | Razar | American Alsatian | F5 |
View | Savanna | Vallecito's Savanna Sunrise | KR5001-7 | 2021-Mar-02 | Female | Kodiak | Razar | American Alsatian | F5 |
Tip your hat! The TENTH PUPPY born at 4:45 am is a small female weighing 1 lb. she is four white paws and a thin white line down her chest. She came into the world in a blink of an eye, head first and sack broken on the way out.
This puppy was born quickly, but her demeanor was calm and gentle. (10) This puppy was quiet throughout the first 8 hours of life. (10) This puppy is calm and knows how to get around with ease. (10) This puppy grunted quitely at first with pet. She bobbed her head back and forth, then began grunting loudly. (7) This puppy grunted, writhed vigorously, and cried out when lifted. (6) This puppy grunted, yawned, and writhed trying to right herself when turned over. (6) This puppy went immediately in the wrong direction when placed back into the den away from her siblings. She grunted, then turned around in circles, as if searching. She eventually found a pup's foot and went toward it. (6)
This puppy receives an overall score of 7.85 for this test.
This puppy initially flinched when the loud noise happened, but did not shy away, move under the other puppies, or whine/cry out. Instead, he stood up and looked toward the sound. (8) This puppy stood still during the pet, neither moving forward nor backward. She also did not move her head into the pet. (10) This puppy was loose, still, and silent during the lift. (10) This puppy was loose, still, and silent during the turn. (10) This puppy licked the handler's face when being moved to the basket. She sniffed and searched all around the basket, including the bottom, sides, and edges. She did not jump up on the sides of the basket or attempt to escape. This puppy was not traumatized. (9) This puppy moved to go back to the puppy pile when she returned to the den away from her siblings, but on her way back to her friends, she stopped to sniff the handler's hand. She lingered there for several seconds before going on her way. (10)
This puppy receives an overall score of 9.5 for this test.
This puppy is a light wolf gray in color pattern with gold undertones. She shows a black mask and small ears with a broad head shape and large muzzle. She has a medium length tail with no tendency to curl. This puppy has small amounts of white spotting on her toes and chest. She has lovely slanted eyes that look to be yellow in color. This puppy has large feet and a broader overall body structure. She is more square in shape. This puppy receives an overall conformation score of 8.5 at this time.