1a. Paul Revere

1a. Paul Revere
For Sale - $3800.00
Please contact us directly by email if you are interested in learning more about 1a. Paul Revere.
Registration Number: | DM2001-1 |
Registry: | IADR |
Call Name: | 1a. Paul Revere |
Registrated Name: | Vallecito's Paul Revere |
Titles: | |
Breeder: | DireWolf Dogs of Vallecito |
Breed: | American Dirus |
Filial Number: | F2 |
Birth Date: | Feb. 14, 2025 |
Sex: | Male |
Collar Color: | Yellow |
Sire: | Donner |
Dam: | Maggie |
Litter: | Early America Litter |
DNA Record: |
Call Name | Registered Name | Registration # | Birth Date | Sex | Sire | Dam | Breed | Filial # |
Call Name | Registered Name | Registration # | Birth Date | Sex | Sire | Dam | Breed | Filial # |
03/02/2025 - 3 lbs 11 oz
This puppy weighed 1 lbs. 3 oz. at birth.
This puppy consistently uses play to deflect from doing things he doesn't want to do. He is goofy and silly, often moving quickly as if wiggling in a fun playful way, but it appears to really be a way to get out of doing something he doesn't like... such as being turned. This puppy submits easily if the boundaries are clear and consistent; however, he is smart enough to manipulate a person should they falter or bend on the rules or boundaries. This puppy continues to smile broadly, as if goofy or silly. I have noticed, though, that this may also be a deflection to signal he would rather not do something. It doesn't always mean this, but my suspicion is that it can be a confusing personality trait to a person who may not understand how much of a class clown he is masking his true feelings. Keeping training light and fun without pushing beyond his emotional limits will be essential to keep his trust and confidence, as well as make sure his goofy spirit can shine instead of hinder him.
This puppy appears to have a sense of humor. He likes to play and uses play to trick his friend. He appears to open his mouth wide in a broad grin, as if laughing at his silliness. This puppy uses his mouth to explore and may more easily pick things up. This puppy is not loud or overly vocal, but he does have a certain energy that lends itself to a fun playfulness. This puppy does not appear to be a serious puppy, often wobbling or bobbing as if deliberately being goofy. He doesn't mind humans and at two and a half weeks old he will play bite and interact with humans he doesn't know.
This puppy did not flinch with the sound of the loud object. This puppy initially wobbled during the rough pet. In order to stay balanced, he placed his feet wide apart and sat. At times, his upper body toppled to one side of the other during the pet. This puppy was silent, but not still. This puppy was quiet, loose, and still during the lift. This puppy yawned at the beginning of the turn. He pumped his feet slightly and yawned for a second time. He also tried feebly to check the boundaries of the person holding him. The moment he felt resistance, he stopped. Then, his body relaxed. He was silent throughout the turn. This puppy wobbled and bobbed during the placement away from the other puppies. He moved his body over the handler's foot, licking it and using his mouth as if play biting. He was silent during this time. This puppy explored the bottom of the basket, bopping his noise against the sides. His body was loose. He grunted softly after around 15 seconds into the trial.
This puppy receives a score of 8 for this second temperament test.
This puppy came into the world already knowing where to go. He scooted around with ease. He traveled long distances. This puppy grunts and complains when his is awake. This puppy moved about when touched or placed on the scale. This puppy complained when turned over on his back. This puppy did not yawn or cry out when touched by a human, but he did move about as if malcontent.
This puppy receives a score of 5.5 for this first temperament test.
This puppy is squirmy and wiggly. He moves about with ease and walks all over exploring his surroundings. He appears to have a keen sense of direction and heat sensoring. This puppy whines softly much of the time unless he is sleeping or eating. He complains when he is cold and grunts when he moves. This puppy is not afraid to go long distances as if taking in all of his surroundings to make a mental map of his new life in the world.
This puppy is heavier than I suspected. He is beefy and thick in musculature. I am pleasantly surprised. I am still unsure if he has furnishings. I will have to keep an eye out. He has bright yellow eyes.
This puppy has a long coat without feathering. He may have furnishings, although its still too early to tell. This puppy has a thin muzzle with a more significant stop and a round shape to his head. He has a very sweet look that goes well with his playful nature. His white spotting on his chest, toes, and forehead give him a softer, more childish feel. With his long, thick coat, he'll be the talk of many encounters.
This puppy was born at 10:30 am. He is a large silver wolf sable male with significant white spotting. He has a large patch down his belly with all four paws dipped in white. He has a large white patch on the front of his muzzle that slides down to his forehead. He also has a small patch of white on the back of his neck and a white-tipped tail. This puppy weighed in at 1 lbs. 3 oz. at birth.