Hocus Pocus (Vixen)

Hocus Pocus (Vixen)
Registration Number: | HB2001-2 |
Registry: | NAAR |
Call Name: | Hocus Pocus (Vixen) |
Registrated Name: | Vallecito's Hocus Pocus |
Titles: | |
Breeder: | DireWolf Dogs of Vallecito |
Breed: | American Alsatian |
Filial Number: | F2 |
Birth Date: | Oct. 31, 2014 |
Sex: | Female |
Collar Color: | Orange |
Sire: | Hemingway (Hemi) |
Dam: | Bonnie Lee |
Litter: | Halloween Litter |
DNA Record: |
Call Name | Registered Name | Registration # | Birth Date | Sex | Sire | Dam | Breed | Filial # |
Call Name | Registered Name | Registration # | Birth Date | Sex | Sire | Dam | Breed | Filial # | |
View | Abracadabra | Vallecito's Abracadabra | HB2001-1 | 2014-Oct-31 | Male | Hemingway (Hemi) | Bonnie Lee | American Alsatian | F2 |
View | Aela | Vallecito's Twilight | HB2001-5 | 2014-Oct-31 | Female | Hemingway (Hemi) | Bonnie Lee | American Alsatian | F2 |
View | Broom Hilda (Luna) | Vallecito's Broom Hilda | HB2001-8 | 2014-Oct-31 | Female | Hemingway (Hemi) | Bonnie Lee | American Alsatian | F2 |
View | Ember | Vallecito's Glowing Ember | HB2001-7 | 2014-Oct-31 | Female | Hemingway (Hemi) | Bonnie Lee | American Alsatian | F2 |
View | Grace | Vallecito's Magic Myst | HB2001-4 | 2014-Oct-31 | Female | Hemingway (Hemi) | Bonnie Lee | American Alsatian | F2 |
View | Morrighan | Vallecito's Trick or Treat | HB2001-3 | 2014-Oct-31 | Female | Hemingway (Hemi) | Bonnie Lee | American Alsatian | F2 |
View | Tomb Raider (Zuni) | Vallecito's Tomb Raider | HB2001-6 | 2014-Oct-31 | Female | Hemingway (Hemi) | Bonnie Lee | American Alsatian | F2 |
View | Zuni | Vallecito's Twilight | HB2001-5 | 2014-Oct-31 | Female | Hemingway (Hemi) | Bonnie Lee | American Alsatian | F2 |
10-31-2014: birth
Weight: 13 oz
11-7-2014: 1 week
Weight: 1 lb 6.75 oz
emperament Test #1 - Birth to 3 days
How does this puppy come into the world?
This puppy grunted and had a lot of energy at birth. It vigorously tried to get to a warm spot and would move around the other puppies to get there. This puppy receives a score of 5 for this category.
Noises this puppy makes in the first 8 hours of life?
This puppy is extremely quiet. She grunts when discontented, but not overly loud or persistent. She receives a score of 9 for this category.
What is the energy level of this pup?
This puppy is generally still when in the pile of puppies. She is able to move quickly and with precision when she does move. She is excellent at navigating where to go and how to get there. She receives a score of 7 for this category.
What is the reaction of this pup to the first medical examination?
This puppy did not want to be on the scale. She grunted and wiggled around looking for a way out. She did not go blindly, but searched using her mind. She receives a score of 6 for this category.
What is the reaction of this pup when it is turned over on its back?
This puppy did not want to be put on her back. She struggled to be righted, but did not make a sound. Very quiet puppy. She was determined to right herself, but she did not use force, she used her mind to trick the handler to allow her to be righted. She wiggled in just the right way to get around the hands. Once righted, she was still and not traumatized in the least. She receives a score of 6 for this category.
What is the reaction of this pup when it is placed back with its mother?
This puppy did not hesitate at all and knew exactly where to go to get back to the pack. She did not crawl back to the pack, but jumped back to the pack. She went straight back without hesitation and moved there in three leaps. She was extremely quiet when moving, very determined and upon reaching her pack, she settled right back in as if she hadn't left. She receives a score of 10+ for this category.
What is the reaction of this pup when touched by a human?
Upon being touched by a human, she began to move and wiggle. She was silent, but knew immediately that she was being touched by something different. She receives a score of 9 for this category.
Overall, this puppy receives a score of 7.5 on this first temperament test.
Temperament Test #2 - 2.5 to 3 weeks
What is the reaction to a dropped loud object?
This puppy initially flinched and then stiffened some. She moved her head away and moved farther from the object, laid down and went to sleep. This puppy receives a score of 6 for this category.
What is the reaction when pup is roughly pet?
This puppy remained quiet and calm. She did not move into the pet, but did not try to move away. This puppy remained still throughout the pet. This puppy receives a score of 8 for this category.
What is the reaction when pup is picked up?
This puppy remained calm and loose. No noises were heard from the puppy, but she did struggle slightly for a split second, then she submitted and was still for the remainder of the hold. This puppy receives a score of 6 for this category.
What is the reaction of this pup when it is turned over on its back?
This puppy remained calm and quiet, looking around with his eyes. She was not stiff, but also not loose initially. After a few seconds, this puppy loosened up and relaxed in the handler's arms. This puppy receives a score of 8 for this category.
What is the reaction of this pup when it is placed in a wicker basket?
This puppy took a few seconds to survey the landscape. Then, she calmly sniffed in all directions, especially on the upper sides of the basket. She was a little shaky, but bravely explored. She remained quiet throughout. She receives a score of 9 for this category.
What is the reaction of this pup when it is placed back away from siblings?
This puppy calmly looked around for about a minute. Then, she quietly and slowly moved over to the pile of puppies, found a spot on the outside and curled up to sleep. She receives a score of 10+ for this category.
Overall, this puppy receives a score of 8 on this second temperament test.
This puppy yawned a bunch during the weigh in session today, but was quiet and calm in body. When placed on the picture booth, she wanted to go to the back and away from the human. Her eyes are just barely opening, so we will watch her and see what she does at the second official temperament test.
Temperament Test #3 - 6 weeks
What is the reaction to a dropped loud object?
This puppy did not react at all to the object. She was on her way to the door of the kennel because she saw people and when the object was dropped, she did not flinch or even seem to notice. She wagged her tail right after the drop because she saw a person. This puppy receives a score of 9 for this category.
What is the reaction when pup is roughly pet?
This puppy was unsure of her surroundings. She was affected by the change of placement to a place that she had not been in before. She was distracted with looking around and figuring out where she was. She was slightly stiff and nervous and moved away slightly from the pet. This score could have been affected by the shift in placement and may not give as accurate a score. This puppy receives a score of 6 for this category.
What is the reaction when pup is picked up?
No noises were heard from the puppy. She was stiff in a way that made her arch her back slightly and stick out her legs and straighten out her tail. Her mouth was closed and her eyes are aware and alert. This puppy receives a score of 6 for this category.
What is the reaction of this pup when it is turned over on its back?
This puppy did not mind the turn, but began with stiff legs and a nervously wagging tail. She loosened up after a few seconds and was completely relaxed. She was alert and her eyes are open. She anticipated the turn after being on her back and helped the handler to right herself. She did not struggled and was completely silent for the entire turn. This puppy receives a score of 8 for this category.
What is the reaction of this pup when it is placed in a wicker basket?
This puppy took a few seconds to survey the landscape from a sitting position, which is how she was placed. She looked around with her head, looking back initially at the person who placed her in the basket. She did not move in any way other than that. She remained completely quiet throughout. She receives a score of 9 for this category.
What is the reaction of this pup when it is placed back away from siblings?
This puppy recognized where she was and that she was again among her siblings. She was immediately completely relaxed from the testing and turned around to look back up at the handler. She wagged her tail and moved to come closer to the door and the handler. She receives a score of 10 for this category.
Overall, this puppy receives a score of 8 on this third temperament test.
Temp Test #1: 7.5
Temp Test #2: 8
Temp Test #3: 8
This puppy is the smallest puppy in the litter. She is a dark female with a pink chin and upper lip. She has four white paws and a very small white tip to her tail.