Tomb Raider (Zuni)

Tomb Raider (Zuni)
Registration Number: | HB2001-6 |
Registry: | NAAR |
Call Name: | Tomb Raider (Zuni) |
Registrated Name: | Vallecito's Tomb Raider |
Titles: | |
Breeder: | DireWolf Dogs of Vallecito |
Breed: | American Alsatian |
Filial Number: | F2 |
Birth Date: | Oct. 31, 2014 |
Sex: | Female |
Collar Color: | Light Green |
Sire: | Hemingway (Hemi) |
Dam: | Bonnie Lee |
Litter: | Halloween Litter |
DNA Record: |
Call Name | Registered Name | Registration # | Birth Date | Sex | Sire | Dam | Breed | Filial # |
Call Name | Registered Name | Registration # | Birth Date | Sex | Sire | Dam | Breed | Filial # | |
View | Abracadabra | Vallecito's Abracadabra | HB2001-1 | 2014-Oct-31 | Male | Hemingway (Hemi) | Bonnie Lee | American Alsatian | F2 |
View | Aela | Vallecito's Twilight | HB2001-5 | 2014-Oct-31 | Female | Hemingway (Hemi) | Bonnie Lee | American Alsatian | F2 |
View | Broom Hilda (Luna) | Vallecito's Broom Hilda | HB2001-8 | 2014-Oct-31 | Female | Hemingway (Hemi) | Bonnie Lee | American Alsatian | F2 |
View | Ember | Vallecito's Glowing Ember | HB2001-7 | 2014-Oct-31 | Female | Hemingway (Hemi) | Bonnie Lee | American Alsatian | F2 |
View | Grace | Vallecito's Magic Myst | HB2001-4 | 2014-Oct-31 | Female | Hemingway (Hemi) | Bonnie Lee | American Alsatian | F2 |
View | Hocus Pocus (Vixen) | Vallecito's Hocus Pocus | HB2001-2 | 2014-Oct-31 | Female | Hemingway (Hemi) | Bonnie Lee | American Alsatian | F2 |
View | Morrighan | Vallecito's Trick or Treat | HB2001-3 | 2014-Oct-31 | Female | Hemingway (Hemi) | Bonnie Lee | American Alsatian | F2 |
View | Zuni | Vallecito's Twilight | HB2001-5 | 2014-Oct-31 | Female | Hemingway (Hemi) | Bonnie Lee | American Alsatian | F2 |
10-31-2014: birth
Weight: 1 lb 2 oz
11-7-2014: 1 week
Weight: 1 lb 15.5 oz
Temperament Test #1 - Birth to 3 days
How does this puppy come into the world?
This puppy grunted and had a lot of energy at birth. It vigorously tried to get to a warm spot and would move around the other puppies to get there. This puppy receives a score of 5 for this category.
Noises this puppy makes in the first 8 hours of life?
This puppy is fairly quiet with some soft grunting. This puppy stops grunting to think and listen when being pet or touched. This puppy does not react to new things by producing sound. Very quiet pup. This puppy receives a score of 8 for this category.
What is the energy level of this pup?
This puppy is very calm and collected much of the time. Even when picked up, this puppy did not move much, except for moving head gently from side to side. Did not wail feet or try to get out of being held. This puppy receives a score of 10 for this category.
What is the reaction of this pup to the first medical examination?
This puppy was quiet and moved her head deliberately from side to side. She did not try to leave the scale, but moved head and slightly front paws. Once she found the sides, she moved her head the other direction and stopped again at the sides. Then, she began scooting forward slightly and found the front. She receives a score of 9 for this category.
What is the reaction of this pup when it is turned over on its back?
This puppy initially struggled slightly, but did not put up much of a fight. She calmed right down naturally after a few seconds, did not grunt or cry out, but lied still and not stiff. This puppy receives a score of 8 for this category.
What is the reaction of this pup when it is placed back with its mother?
This puppy lied in place for a split second, then moved directly forward, found mom's nose and then immediately scooted forward in a straight line heading right back to mom's body and the rest of the pack. This puppy receives a score of 8 for this category.
What is the reaction of this pup when touched by a human?
This puppy was grunting softly before being touched. When she felt the touch, she stopped grunting and moving. She reacted to the touch of the hand by lifting head slightly. She did not stiffen or flail legs or move to get away, but stayed calm throughout the touch. This puppy receives a score of 10 for this category.
Overall, this puppy receives a score of 8.3 on this first temperament test.
Temperament Test #2 - 2.5 to 3 weeks
What is the reaction to a dropped loud object?
This puppy initially flinched and then stiffened some, but then went back to what she was doing. This puppy receives a score of 9 for this category.
What is the reaction when pup is roughly pet?
This puppy remained quiet and calm. She did not move into the pet, but did not try to move away. This puppy remained still throughout the pet and was not stiff. This puppy receives a score of 9 for this category.
What is the reaction when pup is picked up?
This puppy remained calm and loose. This puppy receives a score of 10 for this category.
What is the reaction of this pup when it is turned over on its back?
This puppy remained calm and quiet, looking around with her eyes. She was not stiff, but also not loose initially. After a few seconds, this puppy began to whimper softly, but intermittently. This puppy quieted completely upon being turned back over.. This puppy receives a score of 8 for this category.
What is the reaction of this pup when it is placed in a wicker basket?
This puppy took a few seconds to survey the landscape. Then, she calmly sniffed in all directions, especially on the upper sides of the basket. She was a little shaky, but bravely explored. She grunted after a few seconds and remained grunting while she put her paw on the top of the basket. She remained grunting slightly until she was picked up. She receives a score of 8 for this category.
What is the reaction of this pup when it is placed back away from siblings?
This puppy went directly to her destination. She remained independently away from the other puppies in order to eat. She remained alert and awake for several minutes afterwards. She receives a score of 10 for this category.
Overall, this puppy receives a score of 9 on this second temperament test.
Temperament Test #2 - 6 weeks
This puppy was extremely quiet during the entire weigh in session today. She yawned one time, but then did not yawn again. She struggled silently when being measured for the length, but had no reaction to measuring her head, etc. She moved about some on the picture booth, but remained quiet the entire time. Her eyes are just now beginning to open, so we will continue to observe her and see what she how she does on the second official temperament test.
What is the reaction to a dropped loud object?
This puppy went right over to the dropped object to investigate it. She was confident and trotted over to it like she did not care at all that a foreign object landed out of the blue into the den. She stayed near the object the longest sniffing it and moving around it wagging her tail. After she investigated the object, she turned to go toward the people and visit them. She continued about her business afterwards. This puppy receives a score of 10 for this category.
What is the reaction when pup is roughly pet?
This puppy sat up and looked around during the pet, then lied down after a few strokes. She continued to look around, but did not move her body, only her head. She was not shaky or stiff. She initially wagged her tail, but quickly quit after the first pet. This puppy receives a score of 8 for this category.
What is the reaction when pup is picked up?
This puppy immediately opened her mouth wide and held her stomach taunt. Her back legs were not completely loose, but not completely stiff, so there was some give to them. Her tail was stiff and sticking straight out. She arched her head slightly and it looked like she was holding her breath. This puppy receives a score of 6 for this category.
What is the reaction of this pup when it is turned over on its back?
This puppy relaxed about 3 seconds into the turn, but she turned her head away from the handler immediately and did not look at the handler any time during the turn. Once she moved her head away from the handler, she scanned with her eyes. This puppy did not wag her tail. This puppy receives a score of 8 for this category.
What is the reaction of this pup when it is placed in a wicker basket?
This puppy stood right away and looked around the basket. She did not lie down, but instead explored the basket moving her body around the sides. She looked over the edge several times, and eventually moved to get out by putting her paws up on the side of the basket. She receives a score of 6 for this category.
What is the reaction of this pup when it is placed back away from siblings?
This puppy became animated when placed back in her familiar territory. She immediately began playing with her siblings and wagging her tail. She receives a score of 8 for this category.
Overall, this puppy receives a score of 7.7 on this third temperament test.
Temp Test #1: 8.3
Temp Test #2: 9
Temp Test #3: 7.7
This puppy is a silver with a medium patch of white on her chest and four white paws. She has a black tipped tail. She also has a pink stripe on her nose and chin.