
Registration Number: | HB2001-4 |
Registry: | NAAR |
Call Name: | Grace |
Registrated Name: | Vallecito's Magic Myst |
Titles: | |
Breeder: | DireWolf Dogs of Vallecito |
Breed: | American Alsatian |
Filial Number: | F2 |
Birth Date: | Oct. 31, 2014 |
Sex: | Female |
Collar Color: | Tan |
Sire: | Hemingway (Hemi) |
Dam: | Bonnie Lee |
Litter: | Halloween Litter |
DNA Record: |
Call Name | Registered Name | Registration # | Birth Date | Sex | Sire | Dam | Breed | Filial # |
Call Name | Registered Name | Registration # | Birth Date | Sex | Sire | Dam | Breed | Filial # | |
View | Abracadabra | Vallecito's Abracadabra | HB2001-1 | 2014-Oct-31 | Male | Hemingway (Hemi) | Bonnie Lee | American Alsatian | F2 |
View | Aela | Vallecito's Twilight | HB2001-5 | 2014-Oct-31 | Female | Hemingway (Hemi) | Bonnie Lee | American Alsatian | F2 |
View | Broom Hilda (Luna) | Vallecito's Broom Hilda | HB2001-8 | 2014-Oct-31 | Female | Hemingway (Hemi) | Bonnie Lee | American Alsatian | F2 |
View | Ember | Vallecito's Glowing Ember | HB2001-7 | 2014-Oct-31 | Female | Hemingway (Hemi) | Bonnie Lee | American Alsatian | F2 |
View | Hocus Pocus (Vixen) | Vallecito's Hocus Pocus | HB2001-2 | 2014-Oct-31 | Female | Hemingway (Hemi) | Bonnie Lee | American Alsatian | F2 |
View | Morrighan | Vallecito's Trick or Treat | HB2001-3 | 2014-Oct-31 | Female | Hemingway (Hemi) | Bonnie Lee | American Alsatian | F2 |
View | Tomb Raider (Zuni) | Vallecito's Tomb Raider | HB2001-6 | 2014-Oct-31 | Female | Hemingway (Hemi) | Bonnie Lee | American Alsatian | F2 |
View | Zuni | Vallecito's Twilight | HB2001-5 | 2014-Oct-31 | Female | Hemingway (Hemi) | Bonnie Lee | American Alsatian | F2 |
Misty is extremely healthy. She has not had any medical issues to date. She has not had any tremors, seizures, weakness in the legs or feet, limping, panosteitis symptoms, issues with her eyes or ears, excessive scratching or other allergy symptoms, soft stools, etc. She runs, jumps, lopes, lies down, etc without any difficulty. She has never showed signs of pain or any symptoms of illness at any time. She is extremely healthy and vibrant. Misty did show signs of a false pregnancy and began to dig a den and grieved for puppies that never came. She was never pregnant, but her body wanted to believe she was.
Temperament Test #1 - Birth to 3 days
How does this puppy come into the world?
This puppy grunted and had a lot of energy at birth. It vigorously tried to get to a warm spot and would move around the other puppies to get there. This puppy receives a score of 5 for this category.
Noises this puppy makes in the first 8 hours of life?
This puppy is extremely quiet. Some very soft grunting is heard, but for the most part, this pup is silent. This is true whether this puppy is in or out of the den. This puppy receives a score of 10 for this category.
What is the energy level of this pup?
This puppy is not quick to move about. She often stays calm and collected by when picked up and in the den. She does not wiggle much, but lies calmly in the handler's arms. This puppy receives a score of 10+ for this category.
What is the reaction of this pup to the first medical examination?
This puppy moved its head from side to side, softly grunting, when on the scale. Upon hitting the sides of the scale, she moved her head over the sides, but not her body, then she moved to the other side of the scale. She began grunting louder when she had explored both sides of the scale. She receives a score of 9 for this category.
What is the reaction of this pup when it is turned over on its back?
This puppy lie still and calm when turned over. She was completely silent. She twisted very slightly, but when met with resistance, she immediately stopped moving and lied still again. She receives a score of 9 for this category.
What is the reaction of this pup when it is placed back with its mother?
This puppy moved head back and forth for the first second, then began moving straight in the direction of mom. When she met mom's nose, she stopped for a split second, then resumed her direction until she got to mom's body. She was a bit wobbly and unsteady when moving. This puppy receives a score of 8 for this category.
What is the reaction of this pup when touched by a human?
This puppy is calm and thoughtful. She lie still in the handler's arms, not still and no sound produced. She curled up slightly and put her head down to sleep. This puppy receives a score of 10+ for this category.
Overall, this puppy receives a score of 9 on this first temperament test.
Temperament Test #2 - 2.5 to 3 weeks
What is the reaction to a dropped loud object?
This puppy initially flinched and then stiffened some. She moved her head away and moved farther from the object, laid down and went to sleep. This puppy receives a score of 6 for this category.
What is the reaction when pup is roughly pet?
This puppy remained quiet and calm. She did not move into the pet, but did not try to move away. This puppy remained still throughout the pet. This puppy receives a score of 8 for this category.
What is the reaction when pup is picked up?
This puppy remained calm and loose. She was alert the entire time, but did not struggle or make a sound. This puppy receives a score of 9 for this category.
What is the reaction of this pup when it is turned over on its back?
This puppy remained calm and somewhat stiff. She began grunting and then gave a loud cry and grunted again. She looked into my eyes and saw something. She was not relaxed and grunted continuously, but did not struggle at all. This puppy receives a score of 5 for this category.
What is the reaction of this pup when it is placed in a wicker basket?
This puppy stood right away and looked around the basket. She did not lie down, but instead explored the basket, putting her paws on the side of the basket and grunting. She looked over the edge and moved back in the basket, but was not content to sit, but continued to move about the basket. She receives a score of 6 for this category.
What is the reaction of this pup when it is placed back away from siblings?
This puppy stood right away and returned to the pack. She lied down, but wasn't content. She then walked to the newspaper area and sniffed around, then walked back to the pack and lied down again. She still did not seem content and so got back up and walked back over to the newspapers. Then, she went back to the group, lied down and grunted softly until she fell asleep. She receives a score of 9 for this category.
Overall, this puppy receives a score of 7.2 on this second temperament test.
This puppy yawned many times and stiffened when touched on the head or neck. She grunted some when being measured and yawned more when brought up to the human's face. Her eyes are just now opening, so we will observe this gal and see what she does at the second official temperament test.
Temperament Test #3 - 6 weeks
What is the reaction to a dropped loud object?
This puppy initially flinched and then stiffened some. She moved her head away and moved farther from the object, laid down and went to sleep. This puppy receives a score of 6 for this category.
What is the reaction when pup is roughly pet?
This puppy needed to be calmed down after being taken from her pack. She was initially quite distraught with being taken away, whining softly, stiff and shaking. Once she was shown her mom and cuddled a bit she loosened in demeanor and became confident enough to continue the test. During the rough pet, she wagged her tail and moved with the pet. She wanted to continue to move about and explore. This puppy remained quite throughout this portion of the test. This puppy receives a score of 4 for this category.
What is the reaction when pup is picked up?
This puppy was stiff and arched her back. She was alert the entire time and did not struggle or make a sound. She opened her mouth throughout the test. She did not wag her tail and did not look around. She loosened immediately after being placed down again. This puppy receives a score of 6 for this category.
What is the reaction of this pup when it is turned over on its back?
This puppy remained calm, but stiff. She kept her back feet up straight into the air and wagged her tail very swiftly and somewhat nervously. She did not, however move to turn over, but remained submitted. This puppy receives a score of 6 for this category.
What is the reaction of this pup when it is placed in a wicker basket?
This puppy looked around the basket with some vigor. Although she did not move to get out of the basket, she did continuously wag her tail swiftly and somewhat stiffly. She shook ever so slightly as well. She looked over the edge, but did not move to get out. She receives a score of 6 for this category.
What is the reaction of this pup when it is placed back away from siblings?
This puppy became completely loose and content when placed back with her siblings. She moved away and into her den, but then turned to play with her siblings. She receives a score of 8 for this category.
We've noticed several times that this puppy is very alert to her surroundings. She will be an excellent watch dog as she picks up on the tiniest sounds. She notices everything. In her socialization training, knowing her limits will be very important. She will be a "velcro dog" as Lois likes to say. She will be very devoted to her family and will enjoy staying at home most of the time. She would be great for a quiet family or an older couple. She should not go to an active family who likes to entertain and be social. She will be the perfect family companion dog for a quiet family who can give her lots of love and affection. Socialization training should be done in the same manner as described by Leerburg.
Overall, this puppy receives a score of 6 on this third temperament test.
Temp Test #1: 9
Temp Test #2: 7.2
Temp Test #3: 6
Misty is an interesting case. She did not present very well in temperament as a puppy. This was due to her tendency to hesitate and stay back away from the pack. She was usually the last puppy to come out of the den and did not show a confidence about her, which brought her scores down. However, as she grew and learned from her environment, she became more and more confident. She was never afraid or fearful, but she was certainly hesitant. She is friendly and jovial to all she meets, animal or human. She greets those she loves most dearly with a greater affection, but she is always sweet and good-natured to all. This creates a special bond for her family and close friends, which is quite endearing. She is very attentive to her surroundings and can speak to you with her eyes and body language. Misty is very smart and learns things extremely quickly. She has a lively attitude and shows just a bit more energy than we like, however, she has no difficulty being calm when needed. Misty does not like to get in trouble and shows remorse easily. She almost seems to wilt, but bounces back quickly always seeking for forgiveness in her posture. She wears her emotions outwardly and she shows an uncanny, almost human, quality to her feelings. She loves her cat friends and roams outdoors with a particular cat that she has claimed as her best friend. Misty does not react to thunder, gun shots, or fire works. She has a high pain threshold and can take a great deal of pain without reacting. Misty is very responsive to light touch and does not require a heavy hand in any way. She shows a slightly higher prey drive than we ultimately want in the breed, but she is easily called off and will return immediately when asked. She is a super compliant dog with a very easy-going temperament.
This puppy is a white and gold puppy with silver head and black stripe down her back. She has excessive white spotting on her muzzle and on four paws. She has a white tipped tail and a large white chest.
Misty stands 27 inches tall and weighs 87 pounds. She is light in weight for her size as well as smaller in bone and thinner in stature than called for. Misty is a red sable with a medium length coat and white spotted muzzle. Her eyes are a striking bright yellow color and her tail curls slightly and is raised slightly above her back when excited. She has smaller feet compared to her size and carries white spotting. She has a long body and carries herself well. Her ears never did rise, although her littermates all had erect ears. She has highly slanted eyes and a large well-proportioned skull.
Misty does not have any faults in health. Misty is only slightly more energetic than we like. Misty carries white spotting and red genes, which she will pass her to offspring.