Registration Number: | SC4001-4 |
Registry: | NAAR |
Call Name: | (Yotunn) |
Registrated Name: | Vallecito's Sharm el Sheikh |
Titles: | |
Breeder: | DireWolf Dogs of Vallecito |
Breed: | American Alsatian |
Filial Number: | F4 |
Birth Date: | Jan. 3, 2021 |
Sex: | Male |
Collar Color: | Green |
Sire: | Stanley |
Dam: | Cotton Candy |
Litter: | Arabian Nights Litter |
DNA Record: |
Call Name | Registered Name | Registration # | Birth Date | Sex | Sire | Dam | Breed | Filial # |
Call Name | Registered Name | Registration # | Birth Date | Sex | Sire | Dam | Breed | Filial # | |
View | Baruh | Vallecito's Ali Baba (Baruh) | SC4001-7 | 2021-Jan-03 | Male | Stanley | Cotton Candy | American Alsatian | F4 |
View | Finnegan | Vallecito's Prince Ahmed | SC4001-6 | 2021-Jan-03 | Male | Stanley | Cotton Candy | American Alsatian | F4 |
View | Genie | Vallecito's Genie of the Lamp | SC4001-5 | 2021-Jan-03 | Female | Stanley | Cotton Candy | American Alsatian | F4 |
View | (Mashke) | Vallecito's Arabian Jasmine | SC4001-9 | 2021-Jan-03 | Female | Stanley | Cotton Candy | American Alsatian | F4 |
View | Morgiana | Vallecito's Dance of Morgiana | SC4001-3 | 2021-Jan-03 | Female | Stanley | Cotton Candy | American Alsatian | F4 |
View | Persia | Vallecito's Jewel of Persia | SC4001-2 | 2021-Jan-03 | Female | Stanley | Cotton Candy | American Alsatian | F4 |
View | Sahara | Vallecito's Sahara Desert | SC4001-8 | 2021-Jan-03 | Female | Stanley | Cotton Candy | American Alsatian | F4 |
View | Sinbad | (Storm) Vallecito's Legend of Sinbad | SC4001-1 | 2021-Jan-03 | Male | Stanley | Cotton Candy | American Alsatian | F4 |
He weighs in at 1 lb 4.5 oz.
YOUR WISH IS GRANTED!! FOURTH PUPPY born at 6:15 pm PST. . He came into the world head first with the sack intact. He is quiet and still at this time. He was also still and silent on the scale.
This puppy came into the world with calm assurance. (10) This puppy was quiet with no sounds heard for the first eight hours after birth. (10+) This puppy's energy level is calm. He knows exactly where to go to feed and how to get there, but otherwise, he is sleeping and not moving about. (9) When touched, this puppy moved his head from side to side. He did not move forward or backward, but slightly to the side, half-heartedly. (9) When lifted, this puppy pumped his feet, including his forefeet, vigorously with some soft grunting. After five seconds, he stopped, sighed and relaxed his body. This puppy was quiet and still on the scale, no movement or noise. (8) Upon the turn, this puppy tried to trick the handler into turning him right side up. He then stopped writhing, but his body remained quite rigid. He continued to grunt softly. (7) When placed back in the den away from mom, this puppy moved his head from side to side several times, moving slightly forward as if with caution. He sniffed as he moved. Then, once decided, he moved correctly in the direction of his siblings. (10)
This puppy initially startled then stood still as if listening. He did not back away, cry out, or cower. This puppy was silent. (8) This puppy moved foreward and away from the pet, but made no noise. (6) This puppy was still and quiet during the lift. (9) This puppy was initiall still and quiet for the first few seconds upon the turn, then when he met with resistance as he tried to right himself, he screamed as if he were dying and began alternating into a howl/scream combination. He persisted in this way for fifteen seconds until he finally quieted, although he remained stiff. (3) This puppy flinched heavily when he head was touched in the handler's arms. He again began to scream loudly with mixed howling. This puppy was still and rigid throughout the hold. (3) This puppy went right back to the pack in silence when returned to the den. (7)
This puppy receives an overall score of 6 for this test.
TT #1: 9.14
TT #2: 6
Conformation: 8
large chocolate male with significant white spotting. He has white on all four paws, large amount on tail tip, large white patch going all the way down his chest and belly, pink nose, a white stripe on his nose, and a white patch on the back of his neck.